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“It’s interesting that a significant number of straight men watch gay porn because it seems so unlikely,” explains Doctor Sam Miles, social science researcher at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. “Individuals in same-sex couples generally are more equitable in the ways in which they allocate domestic work, including childcare,” say Francisco Perales and Janeen Baxter from the University of Queensland. One argument is that same-sex relationships are aspirational as they don’t abide by traditional gender stereotypes. Turns out there are three main reasons… 1. So why might straight men watch gay porn? We asked Radio 1’s resident sexpert, Alix Fox, alongside a raft of health professionals, ranging from doctors to wellbeing coordinators, for their thoughts.

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Perhaps more confusingly, 24 percent of “straight” men have actually had gay sex, while 36 percent of “straight” women have had sex with another woman, according to the survey.

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